Method: Create Objects


Create a new Object in an existing Vault.

A user can create (update, or delete) objects in a Vault, if the following conditions are met:

  • The user has been assigned Write permission in the Vault by the Data Custodian (a user with the Admin capability) of the Vault.

URL Syntax


HTTP Method


Successful HTTP Response



Parameter name Description Parameter type Type Mandatory Comment
X-Http-Token StoredSafe token HTTP Header String 1) Preferred method
token StoredSafe token JSON-encoded String 1) Legacy method
templateid Template-ID JSON-encoded String Yes  
groupid Vault-ID JSON-encoded String Yes  
parentid Parent-ID JSON-encoded String Yes  
objectname Name of Object JSON-encoded String Yes  
host Name of host (from template) JSON-encoded String Yes Depends on template being used
username Username (from template) JSON-encoded String Yes Depends on template being used
info Additional unencrypted info (from template) JSON-encoded String Yes Depends on template being used
password Password (from template) JSON-encoded String Yes Depends on template being used
cryptedinfo Additional encrypted info (from template) JSON-encoded String Yes Depends on template being used

*) One of the methods (HTTP Header or JSON-encoded) is required.

Response Attributes

Attribute Description Type
CALLINFO.errorcodes Number of errors Integer
CALLINFO.errors Number of errors Integer
CALLINFO.general Information Array
CALLINFO.handler Handler used String
CALLINFO.objectid Assigned Object-ID Integer
CALLINFO.message Any message from handler (if successful) String
CALLINFO.token StoredSafe token to be used in subsequent calls String
HEADERS HTTP Headers Object
DATA Supplied data in API-call Object
PARAMS PARAMS (empty) Array


Create a new object in Vault-ID 179 using Template-id 1 (A Server template).


POST /api/1.0/object
x-http-token: your_storedsafe_token
    "templateid": "1",
    "groupid": "179",
    "parentid": "0",
    "objectname": "",
    "host": "",
    "username": "root",
    "info": "The second pfSense fw protecting the ZA branch.",
    "password": "~[vN8x9W6~7P367vm53Y",
    "cryptedinfo": "iLO password is #q:vP74A+VRmW5Ueu12O"


HTTP/2 200
Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "CALLINFO": {
        "errorcodes": 0,
        "errors": 0,
        "general": [
        "handler": "ObjectHandler",
        "message": "Object successfully saved",
        "objectid": 1368,
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "token": "rotated_storedsafe_token"
    "DATA": {
        "cryptedinfo": "iLO password is #q:vP74A+VRmW5Ueu12O",
        "groupid": "179",
        "host": "",
        "info": "The second pfSense fw protecting the ZA branch.",
        "objectname": "",
        "parentid": "0",
        "password": "~[vN8x9W6~7P367vm53Y",
        "templateid": "1",
        "token": "your_storedsafe_token",
        "username": "root"
    "HEADERS": {
        "Accept": "*/*",
        "Content-Length": "304",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Host": "",
        "User-Agent": "curl/7.64.1",
        "X-Http-Token": "your_storedsafe_token"
    "PARAMS": []